Explorers Podcast

A podcast examining the lives, explorations and discoveries of history's greatest explorers

Support the Explorers Podcast

Do you love the Explorers Podcast? Do you want us to keep producing more episodes?

Well, consider supporting the show financially. As an independently produced show, your support is going to be key to keeping the program from being more than just a hobby with an erratic production schedule.

We are currently producing about episodes each month – and want to keep that going. But your support is critical to that happening.

The Explorers Podcast now has a Patreon page, which allows you to support the show with a monthly donation. There are various levels of support, and you can cancel at any time.

Becoming a Patreon to the show gives you some tangible benefits (benefits will depend on the level you join). Here’s a list of benefits:

  • Ad-free episodes
  • Bonus mini-episodes (5-10 minute episodes produced a couple of times a year)
  • Explorers merchandise (mugs, t-shirts)
  • Shout outs on the podcast
  • Inside news, polls and announcements about the show

So, check out our Patreon page – and help support the Explorers Podcast.

If you are not interested in joining the Patreon Program, and just want to help the show financially, you can go to our Donate page and help out through PayPal. Any amount is appreciated.